Hope was a pup with a strong
character and she knows what she wants and what she doesn't want... she grew up
to a very beautiful pup just as i hoped and like the siberians....
She was although such a little rascal and had a big mouth to the
other adult dogs... afraid of nothing or no-one... she did as she pleased and
nothing or no-one could stop her or make her think otherwise.... even at the
dogschool for obedience it was all well but it was hard work to have her obey
and even there she wasn't unnoticed...
At the age of 5.5 months it almost went dramatically wrong....
She was outside in the kennel with the other dogs with mom Danthé, aunty Danika,
halfsister Crazy and grandfather Uriah... This last one is wery patient but when
he had enough it is enough and then he can correct the little rascals by
throwing them on the ground and make it clear it was enough... Hope behaved very
well in the group and had a companion in Crazy... together those two played a
lot... till one day she went to far and Uriah had enough of it... he corrected
Hope which went almost totally wrong... and almost killed Hope !
I heard a loud scream from the kennel which wasn't very strange
because when you look very mad at Hope she already screams it what we call a
screamer... but this scream was different so i went over ther to check it out
and Hope was obviously in pain and stood with a buckled back, i checked her up
and couldn't find any ingury but she continued to have her back buckled up and
continued screaming and was in panic when she saw Uriah. I gave her some
painkiller Metacam and hoped it would soon pass... which wasn't the case...
i tried to feed her because she is such a food addict and hoped she "forgot "
about her pain... but then also she screamd out the pain... and then she started
to swell up like a balloon... so whithout hesitation i drove her to the nearest
hospital in Mol ... they thought her thorax was perforated (which is deadly in
most cases)... they took an X-ray but they couldn't find any dammage... she
stayed overnight and when she would survive the night she woul be clear... and
the air she had in her body would disappear itself....
Her a video made on monday when she came back from the hospital,
only half the proportions she later on achieved on wednesday
She survived the night and came back home on monday... but the
air in her body diodn't disappear and only became bigger and bigger... till
wednesday she was extreme ... so without hesitation again i brought her to the
hopsital in merelbeke... there everybody was impressed by her proportion she
already had and that she still was the happy puppy ... she was still drinking
feeding and playing.... but only she was swollen like a balloon.
Again an X-ray was made and there they saw the air came in her
chest through her trachea and spread through her whole body... and i mean whole
body... ther was even air in her toes and tail ... the only place she wasn't
inflated by air where her ears.....
Then they looked inside her with a little camera through the
trachea and they found a little hole of 1 cm - 1.5 cm caused by a teeth of
another dog.... (Uriah). They proposed to have surgery on her because with
bandages it wasn't sure that it would work. So she had immediately surgery...
The vet Bart van Goethem, diplomate surgeon, told me it would take 1 h - 1.5 h,
because the place was good to reach... But he came back only after 2 hours...
the surgery seemd more complicated then first thought because they couldn't
reach the they tried to turn the trachea a bit but eve nthen they
couldn't reach the hole.... so they had to open up the trachea in front to
reach the hole and close it up and then close the front again. They also
made 2 little holes in her thighs to let the air already out a bit...It was a
very stressfull time in the hopsital but she recoerd very well from it and the
next day she could already leave the hospital.... and she jumped around again
like nothing had happened.... although she had just had a major surgery...
Thanks to Peggy Van Broeck and Dr Bart Van Goethem i received
this pictures before and during operation :

and this is Hope a week after the operation back in normal condition... see the

At this video she was only 1 day home from the hospital and at
seconde 45 you can see the cut in her throat and as you can see she is alive and
kicking again !!!
So Hope deserved her name very well : Hidden like
explained earlier and now because she was hiding a hole in her throat during 3
days ! and Hope ... yeah we were hoping she would survive but it was a
close call
FEMALES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



